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A Certain Je Ne Sais Quoi – The Freakiness Of Cats

If you want to really get along with your cat(s), you need to reeee, reeee, reeee, re-SPECT their individualness

The quirks of cats are what make them such crazy awesome companions. Their independence, unique communication methods, playful curiosity, love for routine, sensory sensitivities, and social preferences are what makes the so charming!

Their Independent Nature

Cats are known for their independence. Unlike dogs, who often seek constant attention and approval from their humans, cats are more self-reliant. This in turn leads to behaviors that seem weird to us, like their tendency to roam around the house at odd hours, their preference for high places, and their ability to entertain themselves with the simplest of objects. After all, they started off – way back when – as solitary hunters.

The Unique Ways of Cat Communication

Cats have a distinctive way of communicating with both humans and other animals. They use a combination of vocalizations, body language, and facial expressions to convey their feelings and intentions. From gentle purring  to a sharp hiss – happiness and displeasure. Cats actually have a wide range of sounds at their disposal. Their slow blinks, tail twitches, and ear movements all play a part in their silent conversations. Understanding these strange little cues can make you a Cat Whisperer too.

They Have A Playful Curiosity

You know the old saying “Curiosity killed the cat”. However, this curiosity is one thing that makes them so entertaining to watch. Cats are naturally inquisitive creatures, they HAVE to explore their surroundings and investigate new objects. It’s innate. And we all know, that this curiosity often leads to a regular Saturday Night Live skit for cats! Getting stuck in boxes. Or getting a tissue box stuck on their head. Or leaping five feet in the air when something startles them. This leads back to their hunting instincts. It’s a way for them to refine their predatory process..

Love for Routine

Even though your fur baby surely has an independent streak, they are definitely creatures of habit. They thrive on routine and can become quite particular about their daily schedules. Especially when it’s breakfast, snack, or supper time. They have certain nap spots they prefer, or a certain place on the carpet when the sun shines just right. They prefer consistency. This can result in some very quirky behaviors, like – waking up MaMa at 3:00am in the morning because they want their breakfast a little early today. And what about their insistent need to drink from the kitchen or bathroom faucet – even though there’s no water coming out of it! Or their insistence that you put some water in a little cup for them to drink. For cryin out loud. I know because I have a couple of freaky felines that do these very same things.  It’s frustrating for the human, but their routines are an instinctive way for them to create a sense of security and predictability in their environment. After all, we know who rules the household – don’t we?

Sensory Overload

Cats have highly developed senses, which can sometimes add to their weirdness. They have acute hearing  which allows them to detect even the faintest sounds, leading to sudden bouts of alertness or seemingly random pouncing or running into the next room as if they were being chased by dragons. Their off-the-charts sense of smell can also cause them to react strongly to certain scents. By the way, if you diffuse essential oils, there are those that are extremely toxic to your little feline tyrant. But THAT’S fodder for another story…

Do We Like Humans Today?

Some cats are very social. They actually seem to enjoy the company of their human and animal companions. Others couldn’t be bothered. They’d rather hold up under Mom’s bed or crawl into a closet. Some cats will follow you EVERYWHERE and some will just look at you and say “Meh – I’m going back to sleep. Wake me up when it’s over.”  You need to understand and respect these individual differences for both yours and your cats sake. Just LET THEM BE CATS! Trust me, I learned all this stuff the hard way.

And so, to conclude this little ditty about cat behaviors, I highly suggest just chilling out about a lot of things that cats do that may make us want to grab them by the tail and swing ‘em around the room. Just kidding of course, but you get it. If you embrace their differences (within reason of course) – and I’m not saying to give them complete balls to the wall permissions to do whatever the feel like – you will have a pretty safe, happy environment and everyone will be happy. It’s all about compromise in a way. Cats can be trained. It does take time, patience, and repetition. I work with my kitty babies constantly. They’re all the better and happy for it.

The next time your cat does something weird, just laugh and enjoy it!




Disclaimer: The information and opinions herein are based on personal research. My Blog posts are intended for informational purposes only. I am not a Licensed Veterinarian nor am I any sort of medical professional. I am merely a human who takes caring for my pets seriously. My goal is to share my research with other like-minded individuals with the hope that it will help others in some small (or perhaps large) way.

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